Issue |
J. Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid Publ.
Volume 9, 2014
Article Number | 14029 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 August 2014 |
Regular papers
Spectral signatures of fluorescence and light absorption to identify crude oils found in the marine environment
Gdynia Maritime University, Physics Department, Gdynia, 81225, Poland
To protect the natural marine ecosystem, it is necessary to continuously enhance knowledge of environmental contamination, including oil pollution. Therefore, to properly track the qualitative and quantitative changes in the natural components of seawater, a description of the essential spectral features describing petroleum products is necessary.
This study characterises two optically-different types of crude oils (Petrobaltic and Romashkino) – substances belonging to multi-fluorophoric systems. To obtain the spectral features of crude oils, the excitation-emission spectroscopy technique was applied. The fluorescence and light absorption properties for various concentrations of oils at a stabilised temperature are described. Both excitation-emission spectra (EEMs) and absorption spectra of crude oils are discussed. Based on the EEM spectra, both excitation end emission peaks for the wavelength-independent fluorescence maximum (Exmax/Emmax) – characteristic points for each type of oil – were identified and compared with the literature data concerning typical marine chemical structures.
Key words: Excitation-emission spectra / fluorescence spectroscopy / absorption spectra / oil pollution / seawater
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