Industrial white papers

The European Optical Society, EOS, offers its corporate members the opportunity to make their know-how visible through "Industrial White Papers". These papers are intended to present the key know-how of the company and not to advertise and market products. Publication for EOS corporate members is free-of-charge.

Industrial white papers should be max. 5 pages (A4) in length and should include a proof of principle of the key know-how claimed. Industrial white papers should be sent directly to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Acceptance of papers is subject to the discretion of the EOS “industrial white papers” editorial board* and is not subject to peer review. The acceptance criteria will ensure publication of morally (fair competition), and technologically correct papers. Papers are published in the form received and the content is therefore the sole responsibility of the company.

As with all other JEOS-RP articles, authors of JEOS-RP Industrial white papers retain the copyright on their article. Please click here for full details.

In case your company is not yet a member of the EOS you have the possibility to join the EOS here:

The European Optical Society, EOS, is a non-profit society, an umbrella organization for the national optical learned societies around Europe. Its mission is to encourage the cooperation of all with an interest in optics and photonics. EOS members extend from Europe to all over the world.

* The Editorial board is chaired by Professor Matthieu Roussey, University of Eastern Finland, elected member of the EOS Board of Directors.


  • Towards autonomous harvesting of tea using machine learning
    Photonics Bretagne / Gaspard Russias, Sofian Helmer, Denis Mazerolle, Denis Tregoat, and Stephane Perrin
    J. Eur. Opt. Society-Rapid Publ. (2024) IWP_2024_001
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  • In-process conformal testing with PillarHall® LHAR4
    Chipmetrics / Mikko Utriainen
    J. Eur. Opt. Society-Rapid Publ. (2022) IWP001
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