Fig. 1

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Schematic of the (a) AO system and (b) SRI wavefront sensor. In (a), the 1550-nm laser beam (violet) propagates through five relays, for which the spatial light modulator, tip-tilt mirror, deformable mirror, and flat mirror (FM) are within the relays’ pupil planes. In (b), the 1550-nm input beam (violet) propagates into the SRI wavefront sensor and is split by the input beamsplitter (BS) into the signal beam (blue) and reference beam (red). These beams pass through confocal lens pairs, with a pinhole aperture in the focus of the reference beam, and are then overlapped by the output beamsplitter (BS). The output beam (violet) is then resolved on the camera’s image sensor. The four dotted lines across the beams in the SRI wavefront sensor designate the input pupil plane (violet), focal plane of the signal arm (blue), focal plane of the reference arm (red), and output pupil plane (black).
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