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Figure 11


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Simulated sensitivity analysis and results of the measurements: (a) Simulated coma of the triplet over a comparable lens decentration (blue line). The coma is evaluated through simulations of the triplet at comparable lens decentrations, achieved by radially misaligning each lens by the same amount simultaneously at a 120-degree angle from one another. The theoretical achievable positioning accuracy of the designed mounting structure is 6.0 μm, which corresponds to a coma value of 0.038, marked with the red dashed line; (b) Measurements of a mounted triplet before, during, and after the application of a continuous external mechanical force on one PSE from the outside to deliberately displace a single lens in the mount; (c) Experimental results of the triplets before and after applying a 15G mechanical shock to them. The plot also includes the calculated achievable positioning accuracy.

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