EOSAM 2023
Open Access

Table 1

Simulation parameters of the FOPCPO.

Element Length (m) α (m−1) γ (W−1 · m−1) β2 (s2 · m−1) β3 (s3 · m−1) β4 (s4 · m−1) λcut (nm)
SUP-5-125 0.08 0.002 15 2.17 · 10−27 @1040 nm 6.36 · 10−41 @1040 nm −8.9 · 10−56 @1040 nm
PM780 200 0.002 10 4.31 · 10−26 @785 nm 2.37 · 10−41 @785 nm −1.38 · 10−56 @785 nm
Coupler 13
Filter 980 nm shortpass filter

The gray shaded areas correspond to parameters that cannot be applied to the corresponding elements. For example, the length of the filter cannot be defined as it is not a fiber component.

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