Open Access
Table 1
Advantages and disadvantages of feature point detection algorithms.
Feature point detection algorithm | References | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Harris | Moravec [51], Harris and Stephens [52], Harris [53] | Rotational invariance, luminance invariance | Lack of scale invariant properties and affine invariance properties |
SIFT | Lowe [54, 57], Brown and Lowe [56], Cruz-Mota et al. [61], Al-khafaji et al. [63], Li and Yuan [64] | Rotational invariance, scale invariance, luminance invariance, good robustness | The calculated dimension is too large and the operation speed is slow |
Harris-Laplacian | Mikolajczyk and Schmid [55] | Rotational invariance, scale invariance | Redundancy point, anti-interference ability is not strong, real-time performance is poor |
SURF | Bay et al. [58] | Compared with SIFT, the calculation is smaller and the speed is faster, Rotational invariance, scale invariance, good robustness | The computational speed is an order of magnitude faster than SIFT and an order of magnitude slower than ORB |
FAST | Rosten and Drummond [59] | Fast operation speed | Easy to be affected by noise, poor robustness, Lack of rotation invariance |
ORB | Rublee et al. [60] | Fast operation speed, Rotational invariance | Lack of scale invariant properties |
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